Empower change by saying it differently

Exploring how using ‘Change Talk’ and avoiding ‘Sustain Talk’ can help bring acheive a smooth transition or change in practice.

Using motivational interviewing and behaviour change techniques we can show how good communication can deliver a positive working environment during a period of change. Our Motivational Interviewing and Change Conversations course can help in scenarios such as: bring colleagues onboard with new operational practice or desired future change; positively enable an individual team member to make a change to their normal practice; avoiding ambivalence to a new behaviour change; empowering all members of the team/organisation in a shared goal.

Learn how you really can empower those you work alongside to make effective changes to entrenched behaviours.

Our practical and interactive half-day masterclass has been designed by experts.

We help build the skills to open conversations with individuals and learn tips and tricks to help colleagues unlock and lead on their own change behaviour.

Our training is enjoyable, practical and uses a mix of presentation, interactive peer-learning practice, video demonstration and informal discussion.

Example agenda:

  1. Motivational Interviewing

  2. Introductions, objectives and welcome

  3. Principles of Motivational Interviewing

  4. Interactive seminar and group work

    • People’s experiences and roles

    • Examples of Effective Change Behaviour

    • Blocks, challenges, enablers for Change Conversations

  5. Simulated case scenarios

  6. Consolidation of learning